Tag: agriculture
The pod of a pulse consists of a folded carpel in which seeds are arranged in rows
Seeds of the stone pine were frequently found at Berenike and Shenshef and must have been a common import food from the Mediterranean area. In addition to seeds, cone scales also were found on a regular scale. It is most likely, therefore, that whole cones were imported.Pepper is a name used for many hot spices,…
The ultimate destiny of all fruits turned out to be the botanical reference collection
Apart from some undocumented fruits stored in the Florence Museum, the only other records are from Roman Mons Claudianus and Islamic Kom el-Nana . This might indicate that fennel was only introduced into Egypt since the Greek or Roman conquest. Further archaeobotanical research is, however, needed to confirm this suggestion. Once cultivated, fennel can run wild easily,…
One method is to break up the clusters into fragments that contain one fruit each
According to Theophrastus , balanos was a most valued oil because of its mildness, and these oils from Egypt and Syria were in best repute. Balanos oil was one of the ingredients of stacte, a myrrh oil. A highly valued stacte was produced in Mendes, the Greek name for two large tells located in the Nile…
Other domestic goods may consist of coiled fans and mats for the coffeepots
Dwellers who lived in the Eastern Desert at the time of the Roman Conquest must have faced conditions comparable to those of the present time. Therefore, a study of the current mode of nomadic living is of great value, all the more because the traditional way of nomadic living is likely to alter greatly and…
The most common commodity mentioned in the ostraka is wine
The linkage of ancient trade names with the plant species that they probably represent is based on a variety of evidence. Useful information may be provided by morphological and anatomical features, by specific uses of the plant products, and by accompanying descriptions of the area of origin, for example, in references to the import or export…
Citrus thrips adults are highly mobile and search out succulent flush in which to oviposit eggs
Unfavorable environmental surroundings, including low humidity, high temperature and intense solar radiation are commonly referred to as the principal constraints to the field performance of B. bassiana . Raw fungal spores are prone to desiccation and death if, when sprayed, they do not contact a host immediately . The microclimate around the spore is thought to…
Tomato spotted wilt virus is one of 14 tospoviruses that are known to infect crops
Microbial biomass varied as a result of both the cover-crop and weed control treatments. In both the middles and vine rows, microbial biomass was higher in rye cover-crop plots compared to bare plots . These results confirm earlier observations by Ingels et al. that microbial biomass carbon was higher in cover-cropped middles compared to bare middles. In…
Positive values represent a decrease in BP from stressor to recovery periods
In particular, exposure to high levels of childhood adversity is linked to reduced cardiovascular acute stress reactivity , but its relationship with acute stress recovery is less well-investigated. Moreover, while processes by which stress “gets under the skin” and contribute to disease development are unlikely to occur during only one developmental period, studies have not…
This type of methodology separates culture from the individual
Results indicated that there is no relationship between the IAT and cultural knowledge after accounting for such changes. The procedural change that took place in their methodology involved moving from normative judgments in the original IAT procedure , which was the type of methodology used in the first Nosek and Hansen paper mentioned earlier, to more…
Plant Diseases caused by fungal pathogens can cause crop losses of 10% to 20% each year
The identification of compounds was conducted by determining the peak area of the absorbance at 520 nm for anthocyanins and made by comparison of the commercial standard retention times found in the literature. Commercial standard of oenin was used for the quantification of anthocyanins.Much of the literature regarding competition between cover crop and grapevine suggested that…