Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A multi-scale model can then be assembled by combining the molecular and cellular models
To be practical, a multi-scale model should generate well-constrained predictions despite significant parameter uncertainty . It is desirable that a multi-scale model has certain modularity in its design such that individual modules are responsible for modeling specific spatial aspects of the system . Imaging techniques can validate multi-scale models such that simulations can reliably guide experimental studies. To illustrate the…
All analyses were completed in isolated booths with positive air flow and red lighting
In sensory analysis only two significant attributes out of eighteen were found and it was concluded that the wines were similar in character. A study published in 2014 used an optical sorter on Riesling, Müller-Thurgau, and Pinot gris grapes infected with Botrytis cinerea to investigate the effect of optical sorting on sulfur binding compounds in the…
Grape clusters with more intense and uniform berry color have higher consumer acceptance
Exogenous application of S-ABA improves the color of table grapes by stimulating the anthocyanin synthesis and accumulation in the grape skin . Our results are similar to those reported previously for “Flame Seedless” grapes, in which applications of 300 mg/L ABA during or after véraison were more effective at increasing anthocyanin concentrations than application before…
These questions are important and yet are very practical and applied in nature
The Strawberry DNA Testing Handbook was recently developed to assist breeders in identifying published DNA tests and understanding how to apply them. This community resource is available at the Genome Database for Rosaceae and will be continually updated as existing tests are improved and new tests are published . While locus-specific DNA tests are highly useful…
These results suggest that the infection with A2-O transcriptionally activates lignin biosynthesis
Considering that both A2-J and A2-O induced the expression of suberin biosynthetic genes, the expression of these genes was possibly up-regulated by a generalized wounding signal during nematode infection. We therefore investigated the expression levels of the wound-responsive genes Arabidopsis thaliana activation factor 2 , which encodes a wound-responsive NAC transcription factor , and pathogen-related…
More research is required to test some of these hypotheses
Similar to this study, Linde et al. , reported correlations between P. cinnamomi genotypes from Australia and South Africa and the level of virulence in eucalyptus, suggesting that genotype variation may indicate pathogenic variability. On the other hand, Eggers et al. , did not detect differences in pathogenicity or virulence among P. cinnamomi isolates from…
Gene expression levels are negatively correlated with the density of nearby TEs
The genomes of the progenitor species, Fragaria virginiana and Fragaria chiloensis, are the products of polyploid evolution: they were formed by the fusion of and interactions among genomes from four diploid progenitor species approximately 1 million years before present. Whereas two of the diploid progenitor species have been identified, the other two diploid progenitor species have…
The importance of natural enemies of the rust has been emphasized by several authors
An obvious way to diminish resistance and improve response would be a well-designed and implemented educational campaign intended to specifically reduce fear of the census-taker. Such a program would convince the farm worker that no harm will come from providing complete and accurate information to the census; that, to be sure, information provided will not,…
The valley always has been an important agricultural employer
Based on historical trends, and to meet both industry needs and consumer demands, we expect to see new varieties continually developed over time. Businesses have responded to consumer and market demands for fresh, safe and organic products by implementing food safety programs and/or transitioning more lands to organic production. Water and air quality programs have…
Our definition of agriculture emphasizes domesticated plants and animals
Domestication today is a self-conscious enterprise of advanced science and global-scale effort, an applied research endeavor comprised of thousands of highly trained and well-supported international specialists. Major research centers like the International Potato Center in Lima, Peru support ongoing efforts to further the domestication of useful species; seed banks have been established in many countries to…
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